Pigeault, Michel "Mike" - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Pigeault, Michel "Mike"

PIGEAULT, Michel "Mike"

1956 - 2025

It is with unbearable sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Michel (Mike) Pigeault at age 68.

He leaves to mourn his soulmate of 30 yrs Helen Leonard, 2 Daughters, Karole (Derek Aird) and her children Kendra and Christopher, Danielle and her son Bently. His step-son Dean (Brian Elliott), his son-in-law Stuart Fraser. He also leaves to mourn his step-mother Claudette Boudreault, sister Manon (Remi Dion) brother Alain, niece Mélissa (Steeve Imbeault) nephews Keven (Fanie Cloutier) and Emerik.

He was predeceased by his father Gaetan, sister Lucille and step-son Daryl. He also leaves his second family late Annette and late Lucien Leduc, Andre (late Diane), Philippe (Claudette), Jean-Pierre (Viviane), Sylvain (Patsy), late Danielle (Yvon Goudreault), late Luc (Debra) Chantal (Roger Carrier). He will also be sadly missed by his furbabies Cati and Mia.

Mike was a long time resident of Larder Lake. He worked for MTO and Miller Maintenance. For 42 years he dedicated his life to keeping the hwys safe for the motoring public.

Cremation has taken place. As per Mike's wishes, there will be no funeral service. 


C'est avec tristesse que nous annonçons le décès soudain de Michel (Mike) Pigeault à l'âge de 68 ans.

Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse de 30 ans Helen Leonard, ses 2 filles, Karole (Derek Aird) et ses enfants Kendra et Christopher, Danielle et son fils Bently. Son beau-fils Dean (Brian Elliott), son gendre Stuart Fraser. Il laisse également dans le deuil sa belle-mère Claudette Boudreault, sa sœur Manon (Remi Dion), son frère Alain, sa nièce Mélissa (Steeve Imbeault), ses neveux Keven (Fanie Cloutier) et Emerik.

Il a été précédé dans la mort par son père Gaétan, sa sœur Lucille et son beau-fils Daryl.

Il laisse également dans le deuil sa deuxième famille, feu Annette et feu Lucien Leduc, André (feu Diane), Philippe (Claudette), Jean-Pierre (Viviane), Sylvain (Patsy), feu Danielle (Yvon Goudreault), feu Luc (Debra) et Chantal (Roger Carrier).

Il manquera également beaucoup à ses bébés à fourrure Cati et Mia.

Mike était un résident de Larder Lake pendant plusieurs années. Il a travaillé pour le Ministère de Transport et Miller pendant 42 ans. Il a consacré sa vie à assurer la sécurité des autoroutes pour les automobilistes.

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We are so sorry for your loss, Mike was like a brother for me growing up, always teasing and I will always remember his beautiful smile ️

Chantal Carriere, March 6, 2025

Famille Michel Pigeault

Pour vous aider à oublier ces tristes heures, que nos pensées vous apportent réconfort et sérénité.

May my support
warm your heart
Solange et Rejean Veillette, March 6, 2025

Claudette & Manon

I am so sorry for the loss on your stepson and brother. Please accept my deepest condolences. You are both in my prayers at this very sad

May my support
warm your heart
Roni Pigeault-Harrison , March 7, 2025

Mike's loved ones!!

We were proud to call Mike our friend, a kinder and more gentle soul you would not find! He was always there for me when I needed him and was a very loyal friend! We have just lost a very dear man that meet so much to so many! Rest in peace Buddy!!

May my support
warm your heart
Jim and Roxanne Young, March 9, 2025

Helen and family

We were shocked to hear about Mike passing. We are thinking if you during this very difficult tile

Carole and Joseph, March 14, 2025

Karole and Danielle

Sorry for your loss

Diane and Gilles Clermont , March 27, 2025