Smith, Fernande - Obituaries | Timiskaming Funeral Cooperative

Smith, Fernande

SMITH, Fernande

1960 - 2023

It is with great sadness that the Smith family is announcing the passing of Fernande (Fern) Smith. She passed peacefully in her sleep at the Temiskaming Hospital on Friday, September 15th 2023, after a short battle with cancer, at the age of 63.

She leaves behind her husband Allan and their two sons Allan Jr and William Smith. She is lovingly remembered by her many siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews. She is forever remembered by her many friends she made along the way.

Fern was a kind, thoughtful and generous person with a very big heart and a loving soul.

Any donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated. The Celebration of Life will be held at the Dymond Community Hall (181 Drive-In Theatre Rd, Temiskaming Shores, ON) on Saturday, October 7th 2023 between the hours of 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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5 messages received

Allan Smith

Dear Allan,
Fernande was such a special person to everyone she met because she was so welcoming, so open to enjoying life and people. Not many people are blessed with a beautiful singing voice, but Fern had that in spades. There are so many things I could say, but the most important one is that she loved you and your sons with all her heart, and she will be with you always in your memories.
Love, from Sharon & Brainerd, and also on behalf of the Hillgren family

Sharon Paras, September 20, 2023

Al, Allan jr and Billy

My heart aches with you…Such a great loss to your family and anyone whose she touched…. As Fern would always say, with her little giggle “Love your heart “

Sending hugs
Lynn and Brian

May my support
warm your heart
Lynn Armstrong, September 26, 2023

Smith and Brennan Family

lovingly remembered. Times like this are difficult to manage but together as a family with strong support from friends we will all continue and persevere.

May my support
warm your heart
Chris Lyons , October 2, 2023

Allan, Allan Jr and William

Sincere condolences to Family and Friends of Fernande, she was a lovely person with great sense of humor and wonderful disposition.
She will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
We grieve but remember her in good times and know we are all comforted by her many friend's and family that will carry her good memories forward.

May my support
warm your heart
Mike Lyons and Family, October 5, 2023

Alain & Fernande's Family

I have a full Heart for you all
I felt Blessed just knowing your "Soul Mate" Alain
Alain Jr & Billy Your Momma
Glowed when she talked of you both !
Fernande was so full of life that she
will never be forgotten with those she meet.
Your Angel is now singing in God's Choir

Jeffery & Fernande Soucie, November 22, 2023

Make a donation :

Canadian Cancer Society Make a donation